5 Day Deal 2017 Photography Business and Marketing Bundle

Over $2.200 of resources for only $97

If you've followed this blog, you probably know about the 5 Day Deal. The folks at 5 Day Deal bundle photographic training resources, Lightroom presets, video tutorials and Photoshop actions into one heavily discounted bundle. Starting now, they have a new bundle out, which is very interesting because it touches on the business and marketing aspects of photography. As a professional photographer, expecially if you're a one-man-band, you're really only using a camera 10 percent of the time. The rest of the time is spent on marketing, finding new clients, putting in bids, doing your taxes, and so on. Yet, most of the training available always focuses on the creative part of photography or on postprocessing.

This bundle is a much-needed change from that. It's a must-buy for anyone who is making or is thinking of making aake a living, either full-time or part-time, in photography. At only $97 + tax, it's one of the best investments you can make, especially knowing that the full retail price of the bundle is well over $2.200. Some of the individual courses in the bundle cost more than the bundle price. Where's the catch, then? There isn't any, other than the fact that it's only around for 5 days, until noon on January 24th, to be exact.

My top-5 of what's included

There's something for everybody and if you get tired of the marketing and business talk and advice, there are even a couple of creative resources as well. Check out the full list of resources here!

1. Susan Stripling's Wedding Business Fundamentals

The wedding photography industry is probably one of the most competitive businesses out there. It's really a mine-field and the fact that you're photographing a once-in-a-lifetime (well in some cases twice-in-a-lifetime) event won't ease your mind as a budding wedding photographer. This course covers over 300 pages and dozens of videos with do's and don'ts to help starting and more experienced wedding photographers alike with marketing and pricing. 

Normally, this resource is $199 by itself, now it's included in the Complete Photography Business and Marketing Bundle 2017.

2. Perfect Facebook Ads: The Photographer's Guide by Photography Spark


Ever tried Facebook ads? It's a minefield. Or should I say, a swamp. A swamp that sucks your hard-earned money away faster than you can earn it. Yet, if you play it right, Facebook ads can help your business tremendously. This in-depth eBook will teach you all you need to know and the mistakes you should avoid when setting up a Facebook ad campaign.

Normally, this resource is $99 by itself, now it's included in the Complete Photography Business and Marketing Bundle 2017.

3. Marketing Bootcamp 2.0 by Donal Doherty

Like the previous resource, Donal also talks about Facebook ads but that's just one of the subjects. He also covers the importance of automation (after all, you don't want to spend too much time on repetitive tasks. You want to photograph, right? Donal also covers blogging, Instagram and Google Adwords. 

Normally, this resource is $60 by itself, now it's included in the Complete Photography Business and Marketing Bundle 2017.

4. What Should I Charge by Joel Grimes

This is probably the biggest question facing the beginning professional photographer after 'Where do I get my clients' (on which there's also a course in this bundle, by the way). Too many starting (and even more experienced) photographers have no realistic idea about prices. It's so hard to put a value on your own work. Charge too little and it's hard to raise your prices afterwards. Charge too much and you run the risk of not getting a job in the first place. Joel Grimes knows what he's talking about: he's a very successful commercial photographer and in this one hour course, he covers positioning yourself in the market place, how to avoid pricing pitfalls, and how to successfully prepare a bid.

Normally, this resource is $80 by itself, now it's included in the Complete Photography Business and Marketing Bundle 2017.

5. Mastering the Model Shoot on Location

In any photography business, it's 80 percent business and marketing and 20 percent shooting. That's why after 4 business and marketing oriented resources, I'll finish this top-5 with a creative resource. Frank Doorhof, himself an example of a highly successful photographer, has included his 100 minute Mastering The Model Shoot on Location video. 

Normally, this resource is $35 by itself, now it's included in the Complete Photography Business and Marketing Bundle 2017.

The total value of this top-5 alone is $473. But there's plenty more. In fact, let me give you one more tip myself. 10 percent of the sales of this bundle go to charity. But during checkout, you get the option to double the charity amount (It's called 'Charity Match'. This will cost you only $19.47 extra and if you do, good karma will come your way by way of some extra free content, like Serge Ramelli's Interior Design Photography Bundle (a $147 value by itself), Kevin Kubota's Lightroom Presets Workflow Collection (a $49 value), Blake Rudis' Beginners Guide to Photoshop Actions ($29 value). The 5 Day Deal is a no-brainer and the Charity Match option is a no-brainer within that no-brainer.

The Charity Match option costs 20 dollars extra in exchange for which you receive $400 worth of extra content and you also get that warm, fuzzy feeling of having doubled your charity contribution!

The Charity Match option costs 20 dollars extra in exchange for which you receive $400 worth of extra content and you also get that warm, fuzzy feeling of having doubled your charity contribution!

If you're even only remotely interested in becoming a semi-professional photographer, this will do so much more for your career than any filter, camera bag or leather strap ever will!

Just don't forget, the sale of the Complete Photography Business and Marketing Bundle 2017 ends forever at noon, January 24th (PST).