When the Shadows slider does not cut it: The Radial Filter Shadows Turbo Boost

Does it ever happen to you that you want to lift the shadows in an image and even +100 on the Shadows slider in Lightroom's Basic Panel just does not cut it? In those case, you have to resort to the much coarser Exposure slider, but that sometimes brightens things you don't want to.

In this video, I show you a simple yet very effective technique that works wonders in situations like this. The only condition is that you use Lightroom Classic CC (or the new Lightroom CC). If you are still on Lightroom 6, you might want to have a look, if only to see what great stuff you're missing out on. Maybe you'll decide it's worth to switch to the subscription anyway.

This tip also works to recover highlights beyond what the Highlights slider allows you to. Obviously, only in so far that there is highlight or shadow detail left to recuperate.