TL/DR version: pretty, pretty far ;-)
Fujifilm GFX 100 | GF110mmF2 R LM WR @ 110 mm | 1/60 sec. @ f/2 | ISO 200
Longer version:
I had the honour of doing a demo with the GFX100 during the camera’s launch events in The Netherlands and Belgium. During the demo in Belgium, which took place in the incredible Lites Studios, I wanted to showcase both the IBIS feature and the ability to recuperate underexposed images. In fact, the ‘postprocessability’ – if that is even a term – of the GFX files is probably what I like best about them, even more than the resolution. In the video below, you’ll see me increase the image’s Exposure by more than three stops and apply a liberal dose of positive Shadows. So… how does the GFX100 hold up?
I’m by no means a Capture One expert, but I wanted to try C1 as Lightroom’s support for the GFX100 is still preliminary. I have to say I was amazed by the quality of the output.
Master Off-Camera Flash with this practical PDF ebook.
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