Today, Adobe just released the Lightroom Classic CC 7.5 update. If you're a frequent user of the Book Module, you're going to love this update, because not only are there new styles (including Magazine) to choose from, but you also finally get to edit existing templates or create new ones from scratch and save them as custom pages.
If you have never used the Book Module before, I suggest you try it out because it really is one of the quickest and user-friendliest ways to save your images from oblivion and turning them into a touchable memory. There might be better options out there and there might be cheaper options out there, but overall, I really like the price-performance-speed ratio of the Book Module - Blurb combo, especially after these new updates.
And speaking about price, in the video I give you a tip on how you can save up to 40 percent on your Blurb books!
P.S. In the video, I use sample images from last year's Location Portraiture and Lighting Masterclass in Varanasi, India. If you're interested in being a part of next year's trip, the details have just been announced! Check them out here.